
finnish - they/them - 21 - digital art - i don't do commissions

A drawn picture of a human character with pale blue skin, blue and purple hair and dark blue glasses. They are wearing a white tank top and have a minor amount of facial hair.

About me

  • I live in Finland and am just trying to live a bearable life.

  • I am most active on Tumblr (both blogs). I do also update my other social media, but not as often. I am least active on YouTube.

  • I like to draw sometimes. (a lot actually)

  • My birthday is on the 25th of May.

  • My favourite colour is blue (mainly azure and egyptian blue).

  • Other colours I like: aqua, purple, turquoise, indigo. (I do like all colours though, they're all nice in their own ways.)

  • I like to light up candles.

  • My favourite animal is cat.

  • My favourite type of music is electronic music. I know that's a very broad category, but that's really the only way I know how to describe it. I am sort of omnivorous when it comes to electronic music, although I am also very selective about it. I also like certain alternative/indiepop music, such as Miike Snow (I don't really keep up with the genres, but apparently that's the case ¯_(ツ)_/¯).

  • I am agender/genderless. You can find all my other queer identities at my

My opinions and beliefs


  • I support everyone regardless of gender identity, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, religion, relationship preference or disability.

  • I support all good faith LGBTQIA+ identities, even those that may seem contradictory or otherwise absurd.

  • I am pro-choice/pro-abortion.

  • I am anti-fatphobia, -ableism and -body-shaming. You just shouldn't say anything about a person's body unprompted.

  • I wholeheartedly support nipple equality / topfreedom / the Free The Nipple -movement. Female-presenting breasts and nipples are equal to male-presenting breasts and nipples. Women should be allowed to be bare-chested the same way men are, and the fact that they aren't (yet) is blatant textbook misogyny and sexism. Female nipples are not inherently sexual, and they should receive the same treatment and reaction as male nipples do. We won't have a misogyny-free world if women and men aren't treated the same.

  • I am anti-kinkshaming. Kinks are not inherently bad.

  • Drag is not dangerous. Conservatives are dangerous.

  • The world is too anti-nudity. We would all benefit from the world being more pro-nudity. Nudity isn't inherently sexual or harmful. Nudity can be used to make people uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean nudity itself is something to be condemned.

↓ The full list ↓

  • I support all good faith LGBTQIA+ identities unconditionally. That includes (this should be obvious): xenogenders, pronoun non-conforming people (such as he/him lesbians), mspec lesbians, mspec gays, straight lesbians, straight gays, mspec straights and lesbian men. Gender and sexual identity can be very complex and difficult to understand for many people, and combining/mixing up/creating labels can often be the solution to that distress. For some people, their identity is very simple and straightforward and they probably won't need any more specific labels, but for many others, it's not that simple, and that's something people need to accept instead of directing hostility towards people they don't understand/people who are in any way different from them.

  • I also support the usage of neopronouns.

  • I believe that all aspec people (asexual, aromantic, demisexual, demiromantic etc.) inherently have a place in the LGBTQ+ community, even those who are cishet (like cisgender heteroromantic asexual people or cisgender heterosexual aromantic people). Many aspec people do experience discrimination based on being aspec, even if it's not widely documented.

  • I support plural systems and their experiences and am willing to learn more about them.

  • I support Black Lives Matter and agree with ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards).

  • I believe that trans people do not owe any sort of gender expression to anyone. Trans women don't have to be feminine, trans men don't have to be masculine and nonbinary/genderqueer people don't have to be androgynous in order to be women/men/nonbinary/genderqueer.

  • I believe that tone indicators are very useful and help many people, especially neurodivergent people, understand the tone of the sentence or conversation in question, but I don't think they're inherently necessary. Some miscommunications can occur, but those can always be resolved.

  • I believe that cisgender people putting pronouns in their bio is helpful to transgender people in the sense that it normalizes putting pronouns in your bio and not assuming another person's pronouns, so I encourage cis people to do just that if they want to, BUT I don't encourage or condone pressuring people into putting their pronouns on display, as this may force closeted trans people to either out or misgender themselves. Having or not having pronouns in bio is not a moral meter (but it can be a somewhat quick way to determine a person's general political stands, as conservative/alt-right people don't usually tend to have them in their bios).

  • I don't support J.K. Rowling in any way. TERFs need to cease to exist. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, I won't condemn you for that, but I will be suspicious of you if you don't explicitly express support for trans people and oppose Rowling and TERFs in general. Seriously, there are a hundred of other wizard stories, ones that aren't littered with racism and antisemitism.

  • I am an atheist. I'm not even an agnostic atheist, I just straight-up don't think there's any likelihood of gods existing in reality. I am not an anti-theist, I respect everyone's faiths, even though I do believe that a lot of people use their religion as an excuse to do and believe horrible things. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with believing in a higher power or anything like that, that's just what some people need in their life to get through difficult situations and the like. However, I think society has prioritised religion too much. Everyone should have the freedom to practice whichever religion they prefer, but it shouldn't be prioritised over science or human rights.

  • I am also pro-choice/pro-abortion, although that should've been obvious enough. People should have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies; no one is entitled to another person's body, even if it were to save another person's life in the process. (Although, the claim that an insentient fetus that feels absolutely nothing is a person in any way is ludicrous. Is it a part of the human species? Yes. Is it a person with thoughts and feelings? Absolutely not. That's why it should never be prioritised over the actual person carrying it. People are more valuable than fetuses.)

  • Billionaires shouldn't exist. When a person has so much money that they can easily provide for themself and many others for the rest of their life and wouldn't even be able to spend it all within their lifetime and yet still decide against helping out people in need even though they clearly have all the power to do so, it's clear that they're incredibly self-centred, greedy and negligent towards other people and their needs. Money equals power, and they're trying to gather as much power as possible. Billionaires are hoarders of money and it absolutely isn't healthy for anyone.

  • I am accepting of polyamorous and ambiamorous people and their relationship types. Having multiple partners doesn't make someone inherently more likely to cheat or be a bad partner. Polyamorous relationships can be healthy, rewarding, consensual and agreed upon just like monoamorous relationships. For this same reason, I also think polygamy should be made legal everywhere. It's not an inherently bad thing to be married to multiple people. The power imbalances within are what cause issues, not the relationship type itself. And a child should also be able to have more than two judicial parents.

  • I am anti-fatphobia, anti-ableism and anti-body-shaming. The world should be made accessible for all and no body type should be demonised. When I say body shaming, I include mocking someone for being bald or balding, for having bad teeth hygiene, for having a small penis or a micropenis, for having an unconventionally looking vulva (e.g. the inner labia being larger than outer labia), and for having facial disfigurements. Ridiculing someone for having any of these features is unacceptable.

  • You just shouldn't say anything about a person's body unprompted. You can compliment or criticise them in a million other ways.

  • I don't accept mocking, ridiculing or discriminating against someone for having an addiction or for having been addicted in the past. Not being an addict is a privilege, not a virtue.

  • People should always add alternative text to any pictures they post whenever possible to make them accessible to people who need screenreaders to navigate the internet, for example, blind people and people with dyslexia. I also think all videos should have subtitles so that deaf people and people who aren't deaf but simply can't make out what's being said for one reason or another can also understand the video. (And those subtitles should also include sounds in addition to speech, for example (laughing), (frustrated sigh) or (water splashing).)

  • Sex work is real work. It's not an inherently wrong or immoral occupation and it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of. It also doesn't naturally mean that anyone who does sex work was coerced into doing it. Any work is bad work if someone is coerced into it, sex work isn't special on this occasion. People who do sex work deserve just as much respect and support as anyone else.

  • I am anti-kinkshaming. Kinks and BDSM are not inherently harmful. People are just averse to it for the same reason people are averse to anything that is considered "sexual deviancy", and it's a bullshit reason (by saying this I don't mean that everyone should be into kink, my point is simply that people shouldn't object to something that is harmless on its own).

  • It's unfair and unreasonable for male-presenting breasts to be viewed as acceptable and unproblematic and female-presenting breasts to be viewed as unacceptable, controversial, inappropriate and inherently sexual. Breasts are a normal part of the human body, they don't need to and shouldn't be hidden, and they are NOT NSFW. The reason why female-presenting breasts are so vigorously censored is that sexist and misogynistic people want to control female-presenting people's bodies, and it's incredibly wrong. We as a society should strive towards normalising female-presenting breasts and let everyone choose for themselves whether they want to have their breasts censored or not. Male-presenting people should have their breasts censored if they so desire and female-presenting people should be allowed to have their breasts visible if they so desire. Everyone should have bodily autonomy, and that includes visibility.

  • No body part is inherently sexual, in fact, not even genitals are inherently sexual, since there are many people out there who don't have sex because they don't want to, and they just don't view their body that way. Everyone should be allowed to define their body for themselves. Nudity is something that should also be normalised because the human body is not evil or disgusting, not when it's clothed and not when it's nude. It's wrong how society and especially social media is so anti-nudity, there's no other reason for it but to demonise, censor and control the human body, especially the bodies of marginalised people. The human body is beautiful, all types of breasts are beautiful and all genitalia is beautiful.

  • Drag is a form of art and it is not inherently sexual. People only view it as sexual because it contradicts hetero- and cisnormative gender norms, but that's not a logical conclusion. Drag can be sexual, but so can literally any other form of art. Everyone should be able to participate in drag if they want to, no matter their gender identity, ethnicity or age. And to place a ban on drag is to also indirectly place a ban on trans people since literally any type of gender non-conformity can be interpreted as drag, when most of the time it's not. We shouldn't ban any marginalised people, and we shouldn't ban harmless art forms.

My preferences

  • Please only refer to me in gender neutral language. The exception to this is if it's masculine and used as slang, such as "dude", "bro", or "guy". I'm fine with all that :).

  • I prefer gender neutral compliments but I also prefer masculine compliments over feminine ones such as "handsome" over "beautiful" etc.

What I use to draw

  • Computer: Krita, One by Wacom (small)

  • Phone: ibis Paint

Nipple equality
(otherwise known as topfreedom)

I decided to give this topic its own section since it's become so important to me. I frankly find it ridiculous how modern society views female-presenting nipples and breasts.Male-presenting (MP) and female-presenting (FP) nipples are so similar; they're both these funky little knobs with areolas around them, everyone has them and everyone loves them! And yet... 50 % of the world's population, most of which are women, isn't allowed to show theirs in public. In fact, 50 % are only allowed to show theirs in explicitly pornographic settings, nowhere else. Isn't that just fucking insane and cruel? Not to mention misogynistic and sexist. It shouldn't be like this. This isn't gender equality.But it's normalised, so no one questions it. People go on and on about how society is so much better about gender equality these days, and then they completely ignore this blatantly misogynistic issue still very prevalent today. It frustrates me to no end. Male nipples are okay, female nipples aren't, and everyone goes on with their lives. Laws say that men don't have to cover up but women do, and everyone goes on with their lives, not giving a hoot. Social media like Instagram and YouTube forbid FP nipples and let MP ones off the hook. There are still laws in the modern Western world justifying MISOGYNY and no one cares! What gives? How can we get people to care about this more? These laws need to change. Social media has to change. Radical action has to take place.I am just one measly little human who struggles to feed themself and can only draw and play Minecraft. There's not much I can do alone. One thing I can do is make art about this subject, which I have done;

(Click on the images to see them in better quality! I tried adding ALT text to the images, but Carrd's ALT text system only allows 256 characters, which isn't enough at all. But if you click the images it'll lead you to their respective Tumblr posts which contain the full ALT texts, except for the first image, I couldn't figure it out how to add ALT text to that one.)

A digital painting of two characters drawn in a cartoony style. The one on the left is a light-skinned Asian masculine-presenting person who is naked and covering their crotch and breasts with their hands. They appear to be either embarrassed or reluctant.
A drawn image of three anthropomorphic cat-dog characters, all the same character but depicted differently. The one on the left is a transmasculine character who has gone through top surgery. They're looking at their chest with worry and saying: "I'm not a

(The image above is a bit more personal than the others. The image below is also a bit personal. Either way, all of these images were created because of nipple inequality, which is something that many people struggle with, not just me.)

A digital painting of a nonbinary transmasc character wearing nothing but black underwear and glasses. They're holding their face and anxiously shouting: "It doesn't make any fucking sense!!! Stop sexualising my body!!!" Above them are three disembodied ch

The image above is the first frame of a comic I made. Click it to see the full comic!

A digitally drawn image of three human cartoon characters. They all look happy and content and none of them are wearing shirts. They are wearing just pants and shoes. There is big text above and below them, and it reads: "GENDER EQUALITY INCLUDES NIPPLE EQ

The last image is one of my favourites that I've done. It just says it all, doesn't it? Gender equality includes nipple equality. We can't shove nipple equality aside, we can't ignore it. It's not an insignificant issue and it has to be taken seriously, if we truly want a world with gender equality. And if you claim to be a feminist but don't support topfreedom, then you're a hypocrite. Oh, and we also can't have gender equality without trans rights. TERFs are one of the biggest misogynists our there, just saying.Anyway, as I was saying, there's not much anyone can do on their own, but if we all support each other, we can make great things happen! So if you, whoever is reading this (thank you for getting this far <3), have a Tumblr account, giving me a follow and a couple of reblogs over at my Tumblr art blog would help me out a lot! So if you can spare the time, I'd really appreciate it <3. Here's the link:

And if anyone has made or seen any content relating to this topic and they'd like to share it with me, for the love of God, send it my way. I'd love to see it! You can reach me at Discord @sandutita.It saddens me to see how the Free The Nipple -campaign has been ongoing for over 10 years now, and very little has changed since it started. I wish that something concrete and powerful happened, something like Instagram finally allowing female nipples on their site, or Markiplier launching a petition about this or something. Anything is good! As long as it's progress; a step forward. Maybe someday we'll reach equality. But it won't happen overnight.Here's a list of various text posts I've made about this subject:

Best work by me, SanduTiTa:

(Click on the images to see them in better quality! The links open in a separate tab. This list is OUTDATED, check out my Tumblr art blog @sandu7174 for more recent artworks. Sorry, for now I can't be arsed to update this list 😅.)

Pink Fiery Wrath / Epic Magical Skateboarder



Cyaise Again!

Not The Main Character

Birches and Pines

Does This Look Okay?

Hello Stranger

One for the Blog

Eme's New Overalls



Nothing To See Here

Ashley and Oak

Invade and Secure - Robot Furries

Other social media: